Nigeria’s Dangote refinery commences production after years of delays

Dangote oil refinery in Nigeria has started producing diesel and aviation fuel, the company announced on Saturday. This comes after facing years of construction delays at the $20 billion facility.

Earlier in the week, the arrival of the sixth crude cargo from the Agbami field in the Niger Delta brought the total stock received at the facility to six million barrels of oil, the required amount to bring the 650,000 barrels per day (bpd) facility to life.The first crude delivery took place on December 12, 2023, and the sixth cargo was successfully delivered on January 8, 2024.Discussing this milestone, Aliko Dangote, the President of Dangote Group, expressed gratitude to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for his support and stressed the importance of the facility.

The refinery’s operation is expected to turn Africa’s largest oil producer into a net exporter of fuels, a long-sought goal for the OPEC member that almost totally relies on imports. – Business Insider Africa 2024

Nigeria’s Dangote refinery commences production after years of delays

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